lives and works in Vienna and Aegina
studies in graphic at Grafische Lehr und Versuchsanstalt, Vienna 1966 – 1969
studies in painting at Ecole Nationale Superiore des Beaux Arts, Paris, Mag. Art 1970 – 1974
member of the artists group Der Blaue Kompressor Floating & Stomping Company since 1983
scientific illustrations for Thieme Verlag, Stuttgart 1985 – 1995
artistic collaboration with Gustav Deutsch since 1985
numerous photographic works since 1990
programming, research and artistic supervision in film since 1998
member of After Image Productions since 2001
artistic director of Light I Image I The Aegina Academie since 2003 (1)
member of Vienese society of botanical illustration since 2022
artistic activities and exhibitions in Austria and abroad.
Basic area of the artistic work :
Photography, installations, conception and organisation of interdisciplinary art projects.
Artistic research and curatorship in visual media and film, artistic works in sociocultural context.
Since 1985 projects with Gustav Deutsch, since 1997 projects under the label of D&S
Filmscreening & accompanying Exhibition, Kino Katarina, Apoteka, Space for Contemporary Art, Vodnjan, Croatia, 2021
Das Rote Wien_ REVISITED, Series of eventson the historical significance and contemporary reception of municipal housing in Vienna, Soho Studio, Vienna, 2021
FAMILY AFFAIRS_An experimental arrangement on the subect of (artistic) heritage. Initiated by Hanna Schimek. With: Moya Hoke, Daniel Pöhacker, Hanna Schimek, Monika Schwärzler, Anat Stainberg. Medienwerkstatt Wien. 2/3.10. und 9/10.10. 2020
ON THE MARGINS : THE CITY 2 - Vienna in private films, yesterday and today; Österreichischen Filmmuseum, 2019 (1)
RESET THE APPARATUS_Performances, Part 3 - BILDER – SCHIESSEN, 2018 (1)
ON THE MARGINS : THE CITY - Vienna in private films, yesterday and today; Österreichischen Filmmuseum, 2017/2018 (1)
BUDAPEST WINDOWS, Exhibition & series of events, Architectural Center Budapest, FUGA, Budapest/HU, 2017 (8)
BUDAPEST WINDOWS, Artistic Research Project (together with Miklós Erhart); Workshops: Schule für Dekor u. Auslagengestaltung, Budapest/HU, 2017
RESET THE APPARATUS_Performances (als Teil des gleichnamigen künstlerischen Rechercheprojekts: Part 1 - DIE BILDERWERFER, 2016 (1)
PERSPEKTIVEN, Colorconcept School Campus, Neustift im Stubaital, Fasch & Fuchs Architekten, 2016/2018(1)
MODERATE PALETTE, Colorconcept Secondary School Aspern Seestadt, Fasch & Fuchs Architekten, 2015/2017(1)
VIENNA WINDOWS – AUSLAGE IN ARBEIT, Stage Sets of the City / a work in progress
Martin Frey & Hanna Schimek, Exhibition Wienbibliothek im Rathaus, Vienna/A 2014
Gustav Deutsch & Hanna Schimek, EYE Film Institute Netherland, Amsterdam, 27.Mai – 10.Juni 2014
VISIONS OF REALITY - The Exhibition, Stadtkino & Künstlerhaus, Vienna/A, (1) 2013 - 2014
SHIRLEY-VISIONS OF REALITY / the catalog, Publischer: Verlag für Moderne Kunst, (1) 2013
SHIRLEY - VISIONS OF REALITY Feature film by Gustav Deutsch, Production: KGB, Illusionary painting and colour concept by Hanna Schimek, World Premiere: Berlinale , Berlin/DE 2013
DER UNÜBLICHE BLICK, Participation in the Art Symposium, Bernstein/A 2013
LIGHT IMAGE IMAGINATION, Publication, Martha Blassnig (editor), Gustav Deutsch, Hanna Schimek (associate editors), Amsterdam University Press 2013
WIEN AM SCREEN / LIKE SEEN ON THE SCREEN, participation in the project and the exhibition, Wienmuseum, Vienna, (1) 2012
DIE ILLUSTRIERTE AUSSTELLUNG, curated and realized by Catrin Bolt und Edith. Participation in the exhibition with the project: AUS JEDEM DORF EIN HUND, Künstlerhaus Klagenfurt/A, (1) 2012
ABSOLUT WIEN, Acquisitions and Donations 2000; Acquisition and participation in exhibition with the project: KARAMUSTAFA IMPORT EXPORT, Wienmuseum, Vienna/A, (1,5) 2011 - 2012
PHANTOME.METAMORPHOSEN.ANIMISMUS IM FILM, Generali Foundation und Filmcasino, Filmmuseum. Participation with the film: OLYMPIA PALACE TV, Filmcasino, Vienna 2011
VIENNA WINDOWS, a photo work in progress by Martin Frey & Hanna Schimek, since 2011 -
GRÜNZEUG Pocket- Film Production / Film Programme / Installation with plants,
Kino wie noch nie, Filmarchiv Austria, Wien/A (7) 2011
FILM/STADT/WIEN - A Transdisciplinary exploration of Vienna as a Cinematic City,
in cooperation with: Ludwig Boltzmann Institut, Filmuseum, Wien/A, (1) 2009 - 2011
OHRENZEUGEN – ein Buch, das HUNDmuseum und ein Archiv..., Exhibition
in cooperation with orthochrome, archiv for analogue photography, Hauptbücherei, Wien/A 2010
URBAN GARDENING & POCKET FILMS..., Interactive installation, filmscreenings and talks, Wienstation, Chelsea, Wien/A (7) 2010
OHRENZEUGEN, Publication, The dog as a companion to human beings and keen observer
of the “comedie humaine” in the history of civilisation and art, Edition Fotohof, Salzburg/A 2009
HUNDE / WELT / BILD, Filmscreenings and Symposium, Filmuseum, Vienna/A (6) 2009
CAFE MELANGE, A multimedia installation and public forum in the frame of the european
year of interculturale dialoge; concept, realisation and artistic director, Vienna/A (1) 2007 - 08
THE O´s BUTTONS in pairs, in Collaboration with Christina de Pian, since 2007
THE MOZARTS, Film for “Wiener Mozartjahr 2006”, Die Mozartminute, Vienna (1) 2006
EIN TAG HONIG EIN TAG ZWIEBEL, Art-book, Edition VHS, Vienna/A (3) 2005
EIN TAG HONIG EIN TAG ZWIEBEL, Multimedia- projects and workshops in collaboration with
Wiener Kunstschule and Radio Afrika, Vienna/A (3) 2005
LIGHT I IMAGE I lLLUSION – The Aegina Academy A forum for Art and Science, concept, realisation
and artistic director of a public forum for Art and Science, in cooperation with After Image
Productions (1) Aegina /GR 2005
LIGHT I IMAGE I lLLUSION – Atlas 26 Panoramas, Kunsthalle Wien Projectspace,
Vienna/A (1) 2005
LIGHT I IMAGE I REALITY – Atlas Installation; Lentos Museum, Linz/A (1) 2004
WINER LINIEN, Installation, Karamustafa Import Export; Wien Museum, Vienna/A (1) 2004
LIGHT I IMAGE I REALITY – The Aegina Academy A forum for Art and Science, concept,
realisation and artistic director of a public forum for Art and Science, in cooperation
with After Image Productions, Aegina /GR (1) 2003
HEIMAT SPRACHE – proverbButtons Interactive project within the framework of
Soho in Ottakring, Vienna/A (3) 2002
DANACH, Installation; Schauspielhaus, Vienna/A (1) 2002
FILM IST . RECHERCHE, Publication, Sonderzahl, Vienna/A (1) 2002
ODYSSSEY TODAY The CD-ROM, interactive multi-media-product (1) 2000
ODYSSSEY TODAY Information Container, A public installation within the framework of
the Festival of Belluard/Bollwerk, Fribourg/CH (1) 1999
FOOD DESIGN, Artistic concept for the restaurant and bar guess club 02, Vienna/D (1) 1999
AUFSICHT, A foto project for and with attendants in Museums of Modern and
Cointemporary Art, Publication: Salon Verlag, Cologne/D 1999
DIANA´S PATRIOTIC FRONT, Magazine “Materialien zur Gesamtkultur” 1999
ALPENGLÜHEN/10000 Watt Light-installation, Bielerhoehe, Vlbg./A (1) 1998
SIGNAL, Art on site, "Remise"- Coach house Ottakring, Vienna/A (1) 1998
KARAMUSTAFA IMPORT EXPORT, Austrian-Turkish Art-exchange-project, in cooperation
with Gülsün Karamustafa, exhibitions in Vienna, echoraum and Ethnography Museum Vienna/A,
and Kabataş Kültür Merkezi, Istanbul/T (1) 1997
DIANA´S DIGEST, Internet project, website and texts, Presentation Hilus Vienna/A 1997 (2) 1997
DIE KUNST DER REISE / The Athens Conference, Series of events in collaboration with:
Goethe Institute Athens, Fournos Theatre, Athens /GR (1) 1995
SON & LUMIERE frankfurt, Video/installation, Deutscher Werkbund Ffm. /D(1) 1994
SON & LUMIERE frankfurt, A sight-, audio-, and light-event with 10 taxis, Ffm./D (1) 1993
DIE KUNST DER REISE / Archiv – London, Installation and exhibition series in cooperation
with: Battersea Arts Centre, Watermans Art Centre, Chisenhale Gallery, London Filmmakers
Co-op, London/GB (1) 1991
INTERNATIONAL LITTER SPECIMEN, Artistic research on litter of the Oasis Figuig, London/GB 1991
DIE KUNST DER REISE / Archiv – frankfurt, Installation and exhibition series, Ffm/D (1) 1988
THE WATER-, THE PLANTS-, THE BORDERS OF THE DESERT, Artistic research works and
exhibitions in the Saharian oasis of Figuig / MA. (1) 1988
CHEBIKA 1/100sec., Installation, Luftbad, Vienna/D 1987
DIE KUNST DER REISE / Archiv – Wien Installations, exhibition series, talks, filmshows, Luftbad,
Vienna/A (1/5) 1986 – 1987
SON & LUMIERE – Wien A landscape, audio-, and light-event, Vienna/A (1) 1985
THE WATER-, THE PLANTS-, THE BORDERS OF THE DESERT, ,research work and exhibitions
in the Saharien oasis Figuig / MA (1) 1985 – 94
JARDIN DE WILTZ, Concept and realisation of a public garden, in cooperation with people with
special needs, Wiltz / L (5) 1983 – 87
Film ist. a girl and a gun 2007 (1)
Tatort Migration (1-10) 2005 (1)
Welt Spiegel Kino – Episode 1-3 2005 (1)
Film ist. (7-12) 2002 (1)
Grünzeug, Filmarchiv Austria, Vienna/A (7)2011
Stadtpflanzen und Taschenfilme, Wienstation, Vienna/A 2010
Hunde/Welt/Bild Filmuseum, Vienna/A (6) 2009
IKKM (Internationalen Kolleg für Kulturtechnikforschung und Medienphilosophie) and the Bauhaus-Universität Weimar (1) 2013
UQAM, Montreal/CA (1) 2013
Volkskundemuseum, workshop on amateur films, Film Stadt Wien, Vienna/A 2011
Austrian Cultural Forum New York, Film Stadt Wien, N.Y./USA(1) 2010
UQAM, Montreal/CA (1) 2010
Orphans Film Symposium, NY/USA (1) 2009
Österreichisches Filmmuseum, Hunde/Welt/Bild Symposium, Vienna/A (6) 2009
Österreichisches Filmmuseum, Moving Landscapes, Vienna/A (1) 2004
Lentos Museum, Linz/A (1) 2004
Wiener Kunstschule, Vienna/A (3) 2004
Wiener Kunstschule, Vienna/A (3) 2003
Light I Image Reality – The Aegina Academy a forum for Art and Science,
Aegina/GR (1) 2003
Medienwerkstatt, Vienna/A (1) 2002
Kino unter Sternen, Vienna/A 2002
Architektur in progress, Vienna/A (1/4)2000
Institut für Wissenschaft und Kunst, Vienna/A 1999
Society for the Study of Human Sciences, Athens/GR (1) 1998
Austrian Award, Austrian Film Academy :SHIRLEY - VISIONS OF REALITY,
Best Production Design, (1) 2014
culture connected, Bmukk, (1) 2012
Ein Tag Honig ein Tag Zwiebel Price “Die schönsten Bücher Österreichs “,
Federal Chancelor Office / Section of Culture, for the book Vienna/A (3) 2006
Odyssey Today the CD- ROM Main Price, VIPER International Festival for film,
video, new media (1) Basel/CH 2000
Die Kunst der Reise Honorable Price of the Austrian Ministery of Culture (1) 1992
In Collaboration with:
(1) Gustav Deutsch
(2) Eva Wohlgemuth
(3) Dagmar Frühwald
(4) Franz Berzl
(5) Der Blaue Kompressor
(6) Wilbirg Brainin Donnenberg
(7) Christa Auderlitzky
(8) Martin Frey