Stage Sets of the City / a work in progress
Martin Frey & Hanna Schimek
Eine Ausstellung in der Wienbibliothek im Wiener Rathaus
An Exhibition in the Library of Vienna at the Vienna City Hall
28.10.2014 bis 30.12.2014

The staged "Display in Process" in a showcase of the reading room: installed by Sylvia Mattl Wurm, the head of the Vienna City Library and Suzie Wong, Public Relation Manager in the Vienna City Library, in collaboration with Hanna Schimek and Martin Frey.
Vienna Windows - Display in Process is an artistic and urban- research photoproject on the display windows of small shops and businesses along the streets in Vienna.
Here it is the unremarkable objects of everyday life that open themselves up to new interpretations and provide insight into the life of this city. Signs or handwritten notes featuring the
Austrian coinage "Display in Process" are often to be found, indicating that a business´s display is currently beeing redesigned or provided with a fresh arrangement. Serving as the the
programmatic title of this project, this phrase becomes a metaphor for the continous changes to the urban landscape.
We see it as a contribution to the everyday history of the city and as a photographic homage to the small business establishments of Vienna, whose preservation represents an invaluablecontribution to the diversity and vitality of the urban environment. Hanna Schimek & Martin Frey, Vienna 2014